Included Samples

The following samples are provided with the asset. You can import them from the Package Manager.


These samples have been made in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). It is recommended you create a URP project to open them. If you import them into a project using a different render pipeline you will need to swap the materials and/or shaders.


An example animation using Lattices and Lattice Modifiers.


Demonstrates the use of Skinned Lattice Modifiers, and the different applications methods. Pre-skinning vs post-skinning, and attaching Lattices to the skeleton.


Demonstrates reading stretch and squish in custom shaders. Two shaders are included, one written in ShaderLab/HLSL and one created in Shader Graph.


Demonstrates the difference with High Quality enabled and disabled and the difference with Global enabled and disabled.


An example of controlling a lattice using scripts. The Lattice is controlled via script to emulate wind.


An example of the different UpdateModes of a modifier and an example of controlling them from scripts.